Average rating3.9
I don't even know where to start with this review to be perfectly honest.
This is the type of paranormal book I've been wanting to read for ages!! I've had enough of the “we only feed of animals” type of vampire. This was proper “I want to rip your throat out and drink all your blood” type of vampire. And I loved it!!
I will say this book isn't for the faint of heart because there is a LOT of blood and a few gruesome scenes but I loved it.
The characters were amazing. Allie is a strong female character and she kicks ass!!!!!!
Can't wait to read the next one.
Wat een boek! Ik ben niet een erg grote fan van Julie haar boeken, maar deze serie is geweldig! Recensie binnenkort op http://kelseyleest.wordpress.com
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa is what I would define as a vampire, post-apocalyptic, survival-horror. Set in a world where the human population has been decimated by a plague and the attempts of a cure. Human beings have been reduced to becoming bottom links on a food chain that leads up to soulless vampires and the devolved rapids. There is no democracy, no human Government, and no civil society; what once was has now become a country filled with ghost towns and walled up cities where vampires rule the streets and rapids roam the outer wilderness.
Allison Sekemoto is an unregistered inhabitant of the vampire city New Covington. She, like almost every one of her generation, is an orphan and the only family she has are the boys in her group of invisibles who survive by stealing and foraging for anything that aids in their survival. And however hard life was for Allison and her group before it's getting harder as food becomes scarcer, winter approaches, and rumors spread of the vampires locking down the city. A problem Allison had miraculously found a solution to, but one that quickly leads to tragedy and Allison dead.
The Immortal Rules is a story starkly different from Julie Kagawa'sThe Iron Fey series in both plot and format. Where the protagonist of The Iron King (the first novel in the Iron Fey series) had a clear set objective from the very beginning – save her kidnapped brother, Allison's story does not have a clear narrative path for the reader to follow, at least not until midway through the book. I had no problem with this for the majority of the novel because I prefer character-centric stories and the story of The Immortal Rules was mainly about Allison – her struggles of balancing what she is with who she was.
“The shadows lengthened like grasping fingers, sliding over the ground.”
Julie Kagawa's
The Immortal Rules
The Immortal Rules
My sister recommended this book to me after she read it in one day. I think I finished this in around 5 hours. It's the first vampire story that actually captured my attention. The lead characters are interesting and quickly draw you into their world. It's a unique dystopian story with twists and action. I will definitely read some of the author's other books because if it's anything like this one she's a genius.
Okay, not too bad. Definitely a deferent take on vampirism and I liked the dystopian world. Allie isn't my favorite of dystopian heroines she's a little too headstrong and makes some poor decisions. I do like Zeke though and enjoyed the biblical undertones of them finding Eden and him falling in love with Allie.
Well that didn't go the way I expected.
The first 200 pages of this was SO good, I liked the setting of the vampire city, the history of the virus, I liked Kanin as a mentor sort of character then it all went to shit when they parted ways.
After the best character left the story, Allie ends up wandering for a little while then runs into a religious group on their way to find Eden. As soon as she met them I knew I was out, but I gave it another 50 pages and it got no better.
I ended up skimming to the end and it just seemed repetitive chapters of Allie and the group, travelling, eating, sleeping, yawn.
I didn't give the latter half much time (hence the lack of rating) so I don't know if it got much better, from what I did read it just seemed much of the same so I won't be continuing.
Buku ini perpaduan antara dystopia & fantasy. Allison Sekemoto adlh seorang “tidak terdaftar” di New Covington, kota yg dikuasai oleh seorang master vampir, Pangeran Salazar. KArena tidak terdaftar dia gk harus menyumbangkan darahnya tiap bulan, konsekuensinya dia gk mendapat jatah makanan. Untuk mendapat makanan dia hrs mencuri & mengais-ngais.
Suatu malam dia diserang oleh mahluk bernama rabid hingga sekarat, kemudian salah seorang vampir datang untuk memberi pilihan padanya, mati atau hidup tapi menjadi vampir, Allison memilih untuk hidup & kisahnya sebagai vampir dimulai.
Menarik, alurnya awalnya lambat namun semakin ke tengah semakin menarik. Bagaimana Allison bertemu sekelompok manusia & berusaha mengendalikan Rasa Lapar nya.
2.5 stars. I enjoyed the scenes with Kanin more than anything else. No chemistry between Zeke and Allie and I didn't like Allie or connect with her at all. The constant, sniveling sarcasm and tough girl attitude was so annoying.
Another great vampire series I just stumbled upon. I wish the author had written more about vampires. This is the first in a trilogy called The Eden Series. Great original story of a girl trying to survive in a world taken over by vampires, only to become one herself. Instead of turning against humanity, she fights to overcome the fate of becoming a monster and helping mankind find a cure to rabidism. I cannot recommend enough!
I liked the first half - ok - let's say first 2/3rds - felt a little ‘meh' on the last 1/3. It's been many years since I was a teen, however - and am sure I'd have been alllll over this book at the right age. Quick read.