Average rating3
I quite enjoyed The January Dancer. Michael Flynn weaves a complex story from multiple viewpoints, most seemingly unrelated at first. However, all the threads connect in some way to a strange and ancient alien artifact that comes to dominate the lives of the protagonists.
Michael Flynn's skill as a writer makes this much more than just good space opera. Recommended for those who like Ian M. Banks's Culture series.
I bought this book, read about a sixth of it, put it down, and haven't picked it up again. So I can't write a proper review of it; all I can say is that it seemed quite well written, but the initial chapters failed to hold my interest. Some books suck me in and I read on compulsively, but not this one. Your reaction may be different.I give it two stars because I can't definitely identify it as a bad book. Perhaps it's just a slow starter and you need to read the whole thing to appreciate it.Also by [a:Michael Flynn 126502 Michael Flynn https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1282631351p2/126502.jpg]: I loved [b:The Forest of Time - Hugo Nominated Novella 11539011 The Forest of Time Michael Flynn https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1570130951l/11539011.SY75.jpg 16478070] and quite liked [b:In the Country of the Blind 416325 In the Country of the Blind Michael Flynn https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1312053809l/416325.SY75.jpg 1922459].