Average rating3.8
I know this book is ultra famous, but it didn't caught my attention until this year. I wanted to read a book about characters who were dealing with culture and heritage problems, so when I read the synopsis of this book, I was delighted. This book, is an amazing example of how family, values, traditions and cultural beliefs can be hard to understand, especially if you were born in a culture and live in another.
I liked some stories more than others, but overall it was a very pleasant read. I've learned a lot about Chinese culture and traditions, and it made me realize my own situation. I liked the family dynamics portrayed in each story and how they worked everything out.
I think this book should be read by anyone who wants a deeper understanding of life in general.
I won this book through GoodReads and I thank to publishers for providing me this copy. My review isn't influenced by this fact.
I first read this 20 years ago. It's a wonderful book, and it occurs to me now that it's really more of a novel in stories than a novel. The chapters stand alone nicely and make a satisfying whole.
I loved that every chapter was its own mini story, and each story so beautifully written and engrossing. I cried at the end.
I really like this book . It's a very enjoyable story, but just short of epic. Certain areas may not be as fulfilling as they could have been. I'm not quite as captivated or blown away, but still had a great experience. I'd recommend this book to others and continue reading from this author. I would probably re-read it.
this book was really nice, such gorgeous prose and themes
i almost cried at the end
It was not what I thought it would be. It was better. Reminds me a lot of [b:The Empress of Salt and Fortune 51190882 The Empress of Salt and Fortune (The Singing Hills Cycle, #1) Nghi Vo https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1565188992l/51190882.SX50_SY75.jpg 71836130], [b:Crying in H Mart 54814676 Crying in H Mart Michelle Zauner https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1601937850l/54814676.SX50.jpg 68668937], and [b:Pachinko 34051011 Pachinko Min Jin Lee https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1529845599l/34051011.SY75.jpg 50384116]. I thought Mah Jong would play a bigger role.
While the story structure and intermingling of the characters may cause confusion, I found it unique (I also had seen the film first, which gave me a great point of reference for the book as far as the characters). Overall I enjoyed the book much like I enjoyed the movie counterpart. Great stories of strong women that give an interesting and intimate look into Chinese culture.
Consider reading if looking for the following:
book-to-movie worksstories of strong women
Chinese/American storiesChinese/American authors
3.5 • Me parece que cada capítulo funciona como un cuento independiente, aunque juntos obviamente dan una mejor panorámica.
Probablemente se debe a mi grave bloqueo lector de estos meses, pero los personajes se me confundían y perdía el hilo de la historia de cada una cuando volvían a retomar la batuta de narradora.
Me hizo cuestionarme qué tal está la relación entre mi mamá y yo; y que un libro me haga plantearme una pregunta existencialista es signo de que fue una buena lectura.
this book really hit home for me as a mixed chinese daughter. the intertwining stories of chinese generations were complex and heartbreaking.
I related to the chinese-american daughter's regret in never getting to truly know her mother and her struggles, and feeling disconnected from being “truly” chinese. this was really good
I love books that take me into another culture as this one does. An intimate look at a four Chinese-American families. Told with humor, grace, and poignancy.