Average rating3.6
A sweetly quirky first half let down by a lacklustre and slightly pointless second. If this was a movie it would be directed by Wes Anderson but I wouldn't like it.
I enjoyed this book mostly. I liked the main character, the story was interesting, different. I looked forward to picking it back up each day, the ending was...interesting - still trying to figure it out.
Best quote: “Maria understood that part of aging, at least for many of us, was to see how misshapen and imperfect our stories had to be. The passage of time bends us, it folds us up, and eventually, it tucks us right into the ground.” p. 323
Bit of a tricky one. When I finished it, I was quite disappointed with the ending as it just sort of stopped, and felt a bit flat after a slow, nothing-y story. But, the more I think about it, and the more it pops back into my mind, I think it was actually, probably quite good and Bob's story quite unextrodinary in the best way. I'd recommend if looking for an easy and uneventful but sort of hopeful and quite weird story.
The pacing of this was just way too slow to me and I couldn't connect with any of the characters.
*4.5 stars. The primary reason I can't give it five full-fledged and gleaming stars is that I wanted more. I loved the storytelling and the simplicity of all that is Bob Comet. I wanted more in the senior home and from delightful cast of characters there. I wanted to stay by the sea with 11-year-old Bob and see how his sojourn would have continued with his unique companions. I wanted to understand the tragedy of early 20s Bob. And, I wanted to know what he was reading. All along, his books meant so much, but we weren't offered that glimpse. I loved this book but can't help but finish it feeling a bit melancholic and a tad disappointed, but perhaps that is the point entirely.
This was my first outing with Patrick deWitt. I've heard good things, particularly about The Sisters Brothers, but I decided to start with his most recent novel, because that synopsis is
3.5 stars, Metaphorosis Reviews
Bob Comet, a retired librarian, finds the strayed resident of a retirement home, which starts a longer involvement with the home and its residents.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.