Average rating3
I love to read about magical libraries, so this book caught my eye. It has an interesting premise and is a very fast paced book. It wasn't my favorite, but that had to do more with writing style, than plot. It is definitely written for the younger side of middle grade readers.
Lenora escapes her nanny in the library only to bring notice to herself by the Darkness and to discover the library within the library. She becomes an employee and discovers there is so much to discover. Through her travels and adventures, she becomes aware that she is being targeted by unknown people in bowler hats.
There are a few heavy-handed lessons thrown in here that while are important to learn, could have been given a little more subtly. I think even children would have no problem picking them out.
I still plan on reading the sequel, but this series isn't one that has become an instant classic for me.
This is a fast paced book, one thing after another happening.
I think this book is more of a 4 star rating, but this was the first book in a really long time that I read so quickly. I read the first 150 pages on one sitting and finished the rest on the next day (usually I only read 50 pages of a book per day or less). So since I read it so fast and enjoyed it, I gave it 5 stars.