Average rating3.1
god when i first read reviews for this book i thought people were being overdramatic but dang is the author unlikable. i know she doesnt give a fuck because im a stranger but wowee was that a lot of self-righteousness
thank u, next
After weeks (months?) of hearing me mention how great the “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” was, Marilyn decided to pick this book up on a recent trip. It wasn't long before she devoured it and started quoting phrases like “if it's elastic, it feels fantastic” and the need to be able to fit a bottle of wine in your purse. Filled with great quips, it's hard not to laugh during this one.
this book was not particularly useful or interesting, but it did give a lot of helpful excuses
I won't give a fuck about giving a full review about this book, but if you feel cluttered in your life... READ IT IT'S FUCKING LIFE CHANGING \o/
Likes: The concept of a fuck budget is brilliant.
Dislikes: It feels a bit focused on dealing with things I already don't give a fuck about.
Dashed hopes: I was hoping for a bit more insight in how to decide what exactly I should give a fuck about, but perhaps I shall be enlightened when she tells me how to get my shit together in the sequel?
Well-crafted parody. Utterly uninspiring. Despite claiming not to be (and ot wanting to be) the author sounds like a true asshole most of the times.
After weeks (months?) of hearing me mention how great the “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” was, Marilyn decided to pick this book up on a recent trip. It wasn't long before she devoured it and started quoting phrases like “if it's elastic, it feels fantastic” and the need to be able to fit a bottle of wine in your purse. Filled with great quips, it's hard not to laugh during this one.
Just a few thoughts on this one:
1. I implemented the policies in this book when I was in my 20's. I suspect that not everyone is capable of doing what Ms. Knight suggests because they “care too much.” Those people likely always will due to fear of social consequences. The 98% of people who don't live like this will always be offended by the 1-2% who do. Be prepared for some kickback for that reason.
2. It's not a deep book. Make sure you make this a quick read. There are not layers like an onion to this, even though the author seems to suggest that. If you literally take the title of the book, and choose where you care about things, you have 95% of the entire concept. The other 5% is this: Try not to be an actual Jerk about it. Choose your wording with kindness in mind. This is the hard part. Also, she doesn't mention that about 50% of people are going to think you're a jerk no matter how much you sugar-coat things or tiptoe around peoples' sensitivities. Most people truly can't handle the truth and are easily offended.
3. I think the book was written initially as a joke, just to see how many times she could drop the F-bomb in a book and get it published. It's excessive and actually diminishes the value of the book. Ridiculously, there is a point in the book where the word “shit” is bleeped. This literally dropped my jaw. It's stupefying.
I learned I don't give a f'‘k about writing book reviews
Read this book if you too don't want to give a f'‘k about writing book reviews and other mundane tasks
I read the first chapter and after it was just more of the same. The book might just be justified but the attempts to be relatable and a women that does not give a fuck and drinks wine every night cringes me. Would not recommend.
The book was “ok”. Nothing truly life-changing about it. And honestly, the use of the word f*ck gets old quickly.