The Likeness
2008 • 466 pages


Average rating4.1


Gorgeous writing, really beautiful, but it somehow didn't meld well with, what in my mind should've been a straight up procedural. For one thing, the whole thing is pretty preposterous, so the less time we spend on it the better as far as believing in the doppelgänger contrivance on which the plot hangs. Secondly, when the reader (myself) hates the victim, kind of strongly dislikes the good guys, i.e. the police, and is rooting for the suspects? You've got problems. Thirdly, it shouldn't have taken me a month to read this, but was interest was easy swayed by any new shiny thing. Not a good sign. shrug

Anyway YMMV and as I said the writing is worth the ride.

December 29, 2019Report this review