A work of military strategy by Sun Bin (or Sun Tzu II) which was discovered in a damaged condition in 1972. This is very much in the same vein as [b:The Art of War 10534 The Art of War Sun Tzu https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1453417993s/10534.jpg 3200649] by Sun Tzu, and revisits a lot of the general strategy outlined there.There is a lot added by Thomas Cleary, who not only carried out the translation but also offers commentary on practically every statement.Hard to rate a work like this, where a lot of it is presented as a pretty self explanatory or straight forward statements, which are readily applicable to a certain setup, but when it comes to applying “The lost art of war” across, say, a military campaign, there are way more statements than there are direct directions. Maybe it takes a more keen military strategist's mind than I have on offer.There is plenty of filler here, for example, in chapter 29, page 125:Concentrate when there is a reason to concentrate, spread out when there is reason to spread out; fill up when there is reason for fullness, empty out when there is reason for emptiness.Helpful? Not really.Still, there are plenty of statements which assist in awareness of strategy, so I guess the worth of this book is to be determined by the way the reader can take the strategy and apply it.Middling at 3 stars, as I don't think it improves on [b:The Art of War 10534 The Art of War Sun Tzu https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1453417993s/10534.jpg 3200649] by Sun Tzu.