Average rating3.5
I liked this story and enjoyed reading it, though can't help but feel that there was something missing? I wanted to love it. Maybe because it was a shorter story, there couldn't be as much character or setting development? I feel like some elements of the story were quickly brushed aside or skimmed over, when I would have preferred to have a deeper dive into the plot, the characters, the time period etc. That said, this was an easy read and I would recommend if you want a short slightly mysterious and a little bit dark story.
My pet hate is when a book sells itself as one thing and then it about something completely different. On top of that the plot line is so obvious it hurts. I ended up just skimming through once I realised that it was going to be a story I've read 100 times before.
LOVED. LOVED. LOVED this book! Well written. Well paced. Rich atmospheric setting. A simple but engaging plot. Intriguing characters. The only little niggle I had with this one was that I wish the paranormal angle had more depth or been more fleshed out. Overall, though, this was a cracking good read. Now off to watch the movie...
ARC Via NetGalley