Average rating4.2
This was a good, fairly easy read. I've been reading it alongside my management team at work and we've gotten a lot out of it. Some of it seems obvious, but there's really good practical questions to ask yourself and your team as you grow and shape your teams. I'll be coming back to this one!
Lots of practical ideas on leadership. A worthwhile read that I definitely recommend.
An excellent management book that would be useful to reference if in this in between area between leadership and a team member. This book also taught me that I actually don't enjoy management as much as I do top level leadership. Shocker.
Julie Zhuo begins by saying that she felt too early in the managerial journey to be writing a book about it, and a colleague said that’s exactly why she needed to. It’s approachable, practical, and genuinely helpful to people newer to management. This book is particularly useful for people moving from an IC (Individual Contributor) role like being a designer, to managing teams of designers, which is a very different set of skills. Highly recommended for anyone who finds themselves in that position.
I think I found out about this book during a cursory search of books about becoming a better manager. Thankfully, the local library had it, and now I want to own a copy of it that I can underline and highlight and reference back to!
Julie Zhuo offers a perspective as someone who is not new to the management scene but also is not a CEO. Not that the perspective of company founders/owners/etc. is not valuable, but hearing from someone still “in the weeds” was incredibly relatable.
The book is easy to follow, entertaining, convicting, and challenging. She walks through hiring, meetings, feedback, culture, vision and more with anecdotes sprinkled throughout providing helpful examples of application. I also appreciated how willing she was to share her own professional blunders, serving as a reminder that you have to start somewhere and can learn from these mistakes.
I would highly, highly recommend this book to anyone in management, new or not. This book is a great resource!
I wish I would have read this book earlier because it offers such valuable insights. This book comprehensively covers nearly all the challenges that every manager needs to deal with, providing practical and actionable guidance based on Julie’s extensive learnings and experiences amid managing a challenging team. It serves as a fantastic reference for anyone looking to build and nurture an employee-based culture within their organizations. The detailed strategies and real-life examples presented make it an indispensable resource for managers at all levels.
Ta kniha se mi nečetla snadno. Ne, že by byla napsaná špatně. Naopak, jedná se o skvěle strukturovanou knihu plnou zajímavých příběhů a doporučení. Ta kniha se mi nečetla snadno zejména kvůli tomu, že mi konečně zpětně docvakly skutečné důvody, proč jsem v minulosti měnil zaměstnavatele. Ať už jsem dal výpověď, nebo ji dostal. Manažerská pozice není snadná a v Čechách není dostatečná kultura, která by připravovala a rozvíjela lidi na vedoucí pozici. Každopádně tato kniha obsahuje velmi užitečný pohled na tuto roli a rady, jak se vypořádávat v různých situacích. Rozhodně parádní kniha pro začátek.
Zdecydowanie najlepsze wprowadzenie do tematu jakie czytałem. Konkrety. Dobrze opisuje na czym ta rola polega. Pozwala się przygotować do pierwszych kroków.
Zdecydowanie lepsze niż mocno przereklamowane „The
Manager's Path”.
Un libro bastante bien hilado, muchos ejemplos y una filosofía con la que a priori me siento muy cómodo. Lo más interesante es darte cuenta de que si se aplicase más aunque fuese la mitad o una cuarta parte de lo expuesto, los entornos profesionales serían mucho menos hostiles de lo que lo son para muchas personas.
Some solid advice on how to be a great manager. I would be more inclusive in my leadership in some cases, where Zhuo leaned on more traditional hierarchy, but in alot if cases we share the same view. Worth reading.