Average rating5
“And I have become death, destroyer of worlds”
This book is the bible for how the Atomic Bomb was created. It starts of in the dawn of the atomic model, before scientists knew that the atom could actually be split. The book follows from the early 19th hundreds through the first war and to the beginning of the second world war and how the whole atomic business got into the move.
Absolutely fascinating read about what a humungous project this was. With ten thousands of people and enormous factories.
It also gives the harsh opposite side. Up to the dropping of the first bomb it just describes the whole creation, it then gives a long eye witness description. This really shows the horrors of this bomb and how it just not comparable to any other bombings (even to the fire bombings of Tokyo).
If there is one thing I might complain about, it is that Nagasaki just gets too little time in the book. It pretty much is “bomb dropped” and the the way how Japan capitulated. There is sadly no part of eye witness reports from the Nagasaki bombing.
Overall a must read in my opinion. Highly recommended