Average rating3.7
The whole story except for the ending is exactly the same as in movie adaptation - which I didn't like much. It's a solid story, although maybe a little predictable. The thing that pissed me off most is that some of the characters flat out refused to believe their own eyes. King explains it by their realities being shattered but I still couldn't get my head around it. It's just ridiculous.
The characters are bland and there's nothing that surprised me.
If you're thinking about reading it, just watch the movie. It'll save you time. I'm usually not the guy who's satisfied with movie adaptations of books but this is an exception.
I had struggled with this novella several times before and just now made myself finally finish it, since it's part of Skeleton Crew and I finally wanted to read these short stories.
It was too short for the story to have any impact really... if King did what he does best and made this book 1000+ pages then i just know this would be an iconic book but yeah too short
maybe spoilers ahead? idk read at your own risk but i don't count them as spoilers imo.
the scenery and plot in the book reminds me of season 1 of The Walking Dead video game. Trapped in a market, have to make a break for it to get stuff from the pharmacy, people in market are turning against each other and main character has a child to keep safe with them. Obviously The Mist came out LONG before the game but it was cool how similar they were lol
Interesting premise. I liked how the majority of the plot actually took place in one setting - created a claustrophobic feeling that made the mist even more unnerving. I started losing interest once the “monsters” were revealed to literally just be like, big slugs and crabs lmao
Liked the colloquial voice of the narrator David. Really did feel like I was reading someone's journal
I told myself I wouldn't DNF this one so it wouldn't become the second King book I didn't finish this year (the first one being “The Institute”) Plus this one was so short and I was listening to it on audiobook so I felt I could push through.
I didn't really care for it. The main character annoyed me from beginning to end... your facing an unknown dangerous end of the world scenario and all you can think about is sleeping with another woman trapped with you? While your wife is in who know's what danger herself?
Beyond that the writing style of this book is very detailed in what the character is thinking in every moment but also barely fleshed out in story. I think that's supposed to add to the horror of it, and leave it up to your own imagination, but it's just not my style.
I do think the actual creatures were pretty neat and the action bits when they attacked were pretty nerve-wracking. During those times of the book I felt really invested but everything around it I had to fight with myself to listen and not zone out. I also didn't mind the ambiguous ending honestly. This one just wasn't for me... and it's been a while since I read a book by King that I liked, and I can think of quite a few I have DNF'd over the years so it's possible he's just not for me... (is that a sin?)
A great suspense and slight horror book. While I cannot honestly say it is frightening or scary for that matter, it is most definitely intriguing. The book is well written and makes you sympathy with the characters making you also have the feelings the dread and disappear.
Much better than the movie l, although I must admit I have never seen it fully!
too many characters in such a short story that few were memorable and fully fleshed out. also didn't like the addition of cheating; i don't feel that it added anything to the plot. however, i love the way the story is crafted and the fact that the horror is twofold: the actual monsters in the mist + the threat of your fellow human when things get desperate.
3.5 Stars
Woahhhhh, spider sized dogs, winged creatures, tentacles, and big clawed things! I would be a goner. I liked the book, some slow parts. Ive seen the movie so I compared a lot, I liked the book ending more than the movie. Its more open ended.
[b:The Mist|813214|The Mist|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1331317781l/813214.SY75.jpg|59181]
Book Over Movie Yet Again
I find myself not sure what to say about this read. I like many readers on Amazon and Goodreads have watched the show and the movie and find that neither one pairs well with what I just finished. I love Stephen King so much I actually reread the book IT once a year around Halloween time. When you pick up this book, I know you are going to want to find out what is beyond The Mist and you get the spooky creepy factor well not sure if many will like that there is no clear description of the monster. What you do get which I love is how Mr. King reveals the monsters INSIDE the store as well as outside, and the psychology of fear and anger and the deadly combination of the two. The way the Mob mentality is depicted in this novella is very well done. The way King brings us right to the for front of fear and then piles on the death is pure perfection. Very well done. If you haven't read this it is worth the couple hours it will take you to finish it.
I don't like horror but wanted to read Stephen King. The writing, pacing, and character development was really good, he's definitely a good story teller. But I didn't feel captivated by the story until the last few chapter.