Average rating3.5
I got this book free from Amazon. It's reasonably well-written, but I lost interest because it was too depressing.
I found this book to be fast paced and a definite page-turner. The characters were interesting and the scenario was intriguing. I am hoping that some of my questions about the world will be answered and the characters will continue to develop as the trilogy progresses. Recommend to those who like YA dystopian stories.
Thank you to Net Galley for a complimentary digital copy of The Last Girl.
I found this book to be a pretty decent start to what might be an entertaining trilogy. There were a few things I found a little annoying. Sometimes I had to reread a sentence 2 or 3 times to really comprehend what it was saying, and it was a bit predictable. I feel like the events the girl goes through and survives are a little far fetched. The premise of the story is very interesting, and I felt I could relate to the feelings the main character felt while basically being a prisoner. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is interested in starting a new series.
Ah, this was the summer read I was looking for! It's like a grown up Maze Runner meets Mad Max that's high on bloody action and willing suspension of disbelief. It was exactly what I expected it to be, no more no less: a fun ride. My only gripe, and it's bothersome to the point where I cannot let it go is the names. Everyone has a name straight off a TV show from the 9o's. Except for the character Ian, who is about the right age, that makes no sense at all. Why not rename the girls one, two, three, etc? Like I said, so silly it bothered me. Anyway, I'm sure Phoebe and Chandler will be commandos in the next book. Which I will probably read...next summer. While laying in a hammock.