The Name and the Shadow: An Armand Ptolemy Novel

The Name and the Shadow: An Armand Ptolemy Novel


Average rating5


Full disclosure I am biased. I've been friends with the author for many years now.

This book has so many interesting concepts that I don't know where to begin. I also don't know how to talk about it without spoilers. But this is a book that I wouldn't want to know a thing about it so I'm not going to give spoilers. I will say that I love the AI themes. I'm someone who is equal parts fascinated and terrified of AI and this book really played into those two feelings and I loved it. I love how fast paced this book is! The adventure Armand go on is wild. I don't know about anyone else who has read this book, but with everything goin on in the world right now I've been thinking a lot about machines and karma. That's all I'll say about that. Sophia is bad ass and adored her from the very beginning.

I was a fan of the first Armand Ptolemy book, but Mark out did himself with this one. The cover. OMG the cover is gorgeous! Mark designed it himself with the use of AI. Beautiful!!!! I can't wait for the next book.

November 4, 2023Report this review