Average rating3.3
Just to be upfront about it, I did not finish this book. This review is based on the first chapter.
I saw the Amazon series, and was intrigued.
I found the book to be sexist. Specifically, the main character – who I would imagine is meant to be the sympathetic hero – had sexist thoughts in an inner monologue. As a result, I had a difficult time engaging when I found the hero not redeeming in this way. Life is too short for such books, full of too many thrillers that don't have such issues, so I set it aside permanently.
More of a 3.5. Found chunks of it slow but got really absorbed in the majority of it. Was slightly hard to keep all the various British government officials straight.
Probably no more than a 2.5.
I have absolutely loved some of le Carre's books, but this felt unnecessarily drawn out for the simplicity of the actual plot.
Currently my least favorite le Carré novel. I like the realism of le Carré's other works–this one required a little too much suspension of disbelief, especially when it comes to the all-powerful Mr. Roper.
This is one of the rare cases where I found the characters in the miniseries (slightly) more sympathetic than those in the book. Why the hell did the BBC have to butcher a perfectly good ending?