Average rating4
The illustrations to this new 2019 ETA Hoffman of The Nutcracker are vibrant and modern. Carly Gledhill had created an imaginary world worthy of pouring over intensely. However, the text is just ridiculously dumbed down. Certain classics are too lyrical to destroy the original and I find it very sad and disappointing to be so short and coarse in the verbiage and that destroys this little adorable book for me. I'd read it once, maybe pick it up at the library to borrow, but I wouldn't buy it for our keeper shelf with these words. The littlest of kiddos deserve better and can appreciate more, they do not need the over-simplification that this version portrays. I read a temporary review eBook galley via Edelweiss of [b:The Nutcracker 43727818 The Nutcracker E.T.A. Hoffmann https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1551792621l/43727818.SX50.jpg 2221897].[bc:The Nutcracker 43727818 The Nutcracker E.T.A. Hoffmann https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1551792621l/43727818.SX50.jpg 2221897]
Hoffmann's original is a fascinating read. A little dark, very strange, and yet very full of whimsy. One has to believe that there is something deeper to this little fantasy children's tale, since we see elements of it in so many things that have come after and it has inspired retellings, and then musical suites and ballets based on those retellings, which have taken on a life of their own within Christmas neoclassical rock extravaganzas and Disney films. Perhaps even the children's board game Candy Land has its roots in The Nutcracker's fantasy world of sweets. This has proven to be very influential, indeed, and is still a fun read, although not without some creaks from age.