Average rating4
Get to know a little bit about some of the biggest names in history. From Abraham Lincoln to some of the most popular rockstars - this book has a lot of different facts and is chalk full of information.
Okay, parents - I love giving rave reviews, but this book had a few entries that rather raised my eyebrows. I would suggest that if you are thinking about getting this for your kids, that you take a look at it first. There are some things that I am not quite ready to discuss with my boys yet. Overall, I agreed with the majority of the people included, but there are always a few that you have to wonder about.
This book releases on 7 August 2018.
I was given an electronic copy of this book from NetGalley in return for a fair and honest review
The People Awards highlights fifty people who have made big contributions to art, science, sports, music, and social justice. A little bio of each person is provided, along with a few illustrations of key points of each person's life.