Average rating3.4
This continuation of the Book of Ember covers the attempt to assimilate into the surface world.
It was interesting to picture the world and see it fresh from an Ember perspective. However, much of the story felt missing. There is so much that Jeanne has created in this world, and I think I just want more of it to show up in the stories. Perhaps because the book is meant to be a simple quick read for children. I am not sure.
I have always wanted to read this book when I was in middle school but never got around to it until recently. It is not a horrid book, it is decent. It did drag on in some sections, it was also boring in some, but it was also good in other sections. Overall a good book to read to middle schoolers.
Just as good as the first one, if not better! I think the author did such a great job of presenting the issues of redemptive violence, war and peace in a very realistic, yet simple way for children. Well, who are we kidding, sometimes as adults we need issues like this broken down for us in digestible type chunks so we will actually take the time to think through the things which deal with the more unpleasant side of humanity.
I really LOVED the ending, I loved how realistic it was, and how it could translate into real life, where we are now, how we are living now. This is definitely one I'll be either making my kids read, or reading to them. So many important life lessons to be learned from this book!
Now, where to find the third book so I can devour it.... :)
This is one of those what if the future turns out like this.... sort of books. It's a good fun fast read. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it but I liked the first book ‘the city of Ember' a little bit better.
Hmm...entah krn ak bacanya ngebut krn ngejar target bikin March wrap up hari ini tp knp buku keduanya kerasa kurang berkesan ya dibanding buku pertamanya.
Berlanjut dr akhir buku pertama dimana Lina & Doom berhasil keluar Ember & meninggalkan pesan ke warga kota gmn cara meninggalkan Ember. Akhirnya sekitar 400an warga Ember bergabung & mereka sampai di pemukiman Sparks. Disini diceritakan bagaimana warga Ember menyesuaikan diri bersama warga Sparks.
Namun pesan dari buku ini mengenai perang mengena sekali. Contohnya berlangsung di kehidupan mereka & bagaimana akhirnya 2 warga yg berbeda ini menyelesaikan konflik tepat sblm perang meletus.
Wow, I was kind of blown away by this book. I would love to at least read this book with my class some day, if not write a whole unit on it. It could definitely be used with younger readers (I'm thinking fourth or fifth grade) because the heavy themes are right out there in the open. I was a tad frustrated as an adult reading it because there is no subtlety whatsoever, but it would really work with children I think. War, poverty, decision-making, right and wrong, etc. could be taught using this book. It's more powerful than its prequel, [b:The City of Ember 307791 The City of Ember (Books of Ember, #1) Jeanne DuPrau http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1298499778s/307791.jpg 2285229]. I've got the third one on hold at the library and I am looking forward to reading it.
This is one of those books that I refuse to finish because the narrator is so darn annoying, especially for certain characters. I will look at this book again, but in physical form.