Average rating4
Prompt #11 from 2020 Popsugar Challenge: An anthology
Book: The Regatta Mystery and Other Short Stories Author: Agatha Christie Genre: mystery, crime fiction Dates Read: 03/05/2021-03/08/2021 Format: Audiobook - Hoopla Other prompts: a book set in multiple countries, a book everyone has read but me Rating:
9 short stories - I haven't read any of these before, but I have seen the adaptations. As short stories they are OK, the adaptations were excellent :-)
The Regatta Mystery (Parker Pyne)
The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest (Hercule Poirot)
How Does Your Garden Grow (Hercule Poirot)
Problem at Pollensa Bay (Parker Pyne)
Yellow Iris (Hercule Poirot)
Miss Marple Tells a Story (Miss Marple)
The Dream (Hercule Poirot)
In a Glass Darkly (unknown narrator)
Problem at Sea (Hercule Poirot)
Well turns out I really enjoy Agatha Christie's short stories, I loved every one of these.