Average rating4
Would've been better if they released the book earlier cuz i completely forgot who was who and wat already happened. Plus, dat cliffhanger tho .-.
Di buku ke 5 ini ak menetapkan tokoh favoritku no 6 & no 9. Jd ak gk suka no 6 sama sam & sama spt sblmnya gk suka no 4 sm Sarah. Syukurlah John & Sarah terpisah jd gk ada cinta2an gk jelas, walau ada sedikit antara no 6 & sam tp gk dijabarkan panjang spt John & Sarah.
Msh sedih krn no 8 terbunuh scr tdk sengaja tp disini no 8 sempat “pamit” sm no 7. Terkuak jg di akhir buku kelebihan pusaka Ella yg bisa membunuh Setrakus Ra.
I really enjoyed reading this book. I love how all the Garde came together to fight Setrakus Ra in the end. I also loved the major plot twist when it appeared Setrakus Ra was winning, because it appeared there was no hope. Also, when Eight woke up for a moment that was amazing, it showed just how powerful Lorien is. The ending when Lorien spread through the Earth and Sam developed telekenisis, that was truly amazing. I can't wait for the next book!
I'm not sure what the author could have done differently, but by this point the books are being bogged down by too large a cast of characters. If each of the 9 are going to be so different in temperament, then they must have differences in their backstory. I would have preferred more insight into the individual backstories. The plot is still engaging, however.
Age range: 14+
Younger readers may find it a little too violent.