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The Royal Tombs of Ancient Egypt

The Royal Tombs of Ancient Egypt


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Calling all history lovers! When it comes to finding and dissecting information on The Royal Tombs of Ancient Egypt, there have been so many different theories thrown around. There are some huge names in the field of Egyptology, and although they may not always agree on everything, their information helps those who are interested in the history, especially ancient history, can give a lot of insight and steps into learning.

When I started reading The Royal Tombs of Ancient Egpyt, I was completely hooked! I have been a fan of Egyptian history since I was a young child, and this book was an Egyptian history lovers dream! The tombs, especially those of the ancient pharaohs, have a lot of draws. The most famous, of course, is that of Tutankhamen, as it was the most intact tomb that was ever discovered. But there is more to a tomb than just the treasure. The art, the craftsmanship, and the overall majestic nature of the tombs are works of art in themselves. The hieroglyphs included in the tombs, as well as some of the pieces that were found inside, have given us so much information and glimpses into the lives of those who lived thousands of years ago.

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Pen and Sword Books

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5/5 stars

My review of The Royal Tombs of Ancient Egypt

Overall, this book was amazing. I felt as though I was walking through the tombs myself. Having some prior knowledge of the history and lives the ancients went a long way into making this book more understandable. In order to really enjoy this book, you have to have a working knowledge of Egyptian history. This is not for those who are just diving into the work. However, whatever level of history you are at, this book was amazing.

There are more to the tombs than just the enclosures. There are temples, monuments, and so much more! The Royal Tombs of Ancient Egypt brings this long romanticized world into a more historical focus, giving a lot of insights into the burial practices, the hopes for the afterlife, and even the details that went into the work on the tomb. Grab your virtual archaeological tools, and dig into this amazing book!

April 12, 2020Report this review