The Scapegoat

The Scapegoat

2021 • 224 pages


Average rating3


This is a solid book. It makes you think about the lines between reality and illusion/delusion and how unreliable narrators can sometimes be ourselves. There's a haunting vibe to it since the delusions don't seem much different than the reality, which I suppose as a reader makes you question what is what in your own life. That said, there were times the book felt overly confusing simply for the sake of being so. Taking the time to read books and pick apart what they mean - especially when those books are constructed in a blurrier way - is something I don't quite mind doing, in fact, on a good day, it's brain stimulation I need (especially in this never-ending pandemic). But when the book feels too blurry, too muddled, that's where I can begin to get a weeee bit impatient. That said, it wasn't all-encompassing of this novel, which is a thought-provoking work but an author I'd like to return to. Confusing, yes, challenging, yes, but worth the read still? I'd say so.