Average rating4
Honestly, I'm hate these books and don't understand how these people are all so horny and only think with their genitals and not their head. It's not that hard to keep everything in your pants.
Do they even do any university homework? All signs point to no. but also like same. I should be doing homework right now.
But will I be reading books #4 & #5? Yes. Yes I will.
Mais uma vez, esta série surpeendeu-me e aquilo que deveria ser uma história básica acabou por envolver-me totalmente e eu não consegui parar de ler!
A great addition to the off campus series. This is Dean's story. Dean is one out of the four who is the most whorish, horniest hockey player on the team. Hannah or Wellsy as she is called best friend Allie just broke up with her boyfriend Sean. She ask Hannah to keep her from making a mistake and going to Sean so Hannah suggest she stays in Garrett's room. She ends up staying at Garrett's with Dean and before you know it they are in bed together after one intoxicating night.
We find out why Dean is so anti-relationship and we also finds out more about Allie and her family life. Loved this more than Logan story but Garrett book is still the best in my opinion. Looking forward to Tucker's. P.S. This book had more sex scenes than previous titles.
Spoiler-Free Review:
Dean. That's it. That's my review. One word... Dean. Not really, but y'all I think this might be my favorite of the three books that I've read! A drunken one-night stand turns a wild party boy into a romantic. I found that this book was spicier than the others and that the spicy scenes were definitely more frequent. Allie is a confident main character who is trying to find herself after exiting a four year relationship. Dean is a “hook-ups only” kind of dude who finds himself enraptured by Allie. Dean is dealing with some skeletons in his closet as well as figuring out what he wants to do with his life after college. The spicy scenes in this book are so fun and well-written. This book had me laughing out loud at parts and almost crying at others. I just feel so attached to these characters, and hope to get to more soon. This book, like the rest, has some triggering themes so be mindful before reading.
Another amazing instalment in this series from Elle Kennedy, I just don't want it to end!
I love how the author can write the perfect blend of cute romance, with great spicy scenes, and also some more serious issues like family issues, ill health, life and career plans, friendships and grief. She's just incredible at mixing these into an addictive series.
Also Dean
best book in this series so far by a lot,
Even tho it took me over a week to read that was because I was strugling to read more than 20 pages a day.
Summer was already one of the best charecters and this book made me love her even more, I think the friendship between summer and Allie is the best friendships in a book I have read before.
And Dean and Allie have easily become my favourite book couple. the way he is so pretective of her without being overbaring was so sweet and made me fall in love with this book
“Seriously, just find yourself a rebound.” Dean whips up his arm, “I volunteer as tribute.”
I wasn't sure how i felt about Dean from the first two books. However, to the author's credit, his character was well developed and had layers i didn't expect. (dean with dakota had me screaming crying and throwing up)
The plot was light hearted and fast paced and Dean & Allie were fun, happy characters that both, complement and balance each other out at the same time. I loved loved loveddd how refreshing the storyline was. and the dialogue in this book? so good: The Twilight analysis had me laughing out loud while the bathtub scene had me straight up dying.
One thing I didn't like was the death. I feel like it was only added in to include a dramatic element and to elongate Dean's character arc. In my opinion, it disrupted the fluidity of the plot and was a far stretch from the light hearted theme of the book. But i guess they did need some kind of conflict in the book so yeah.
Overall, fast paced and super entertaining. literally had me cracking up without even having a plot, as such but if you're looking for something entertaining, no thinking required (infact emphasis on the no thinking), then you should pick this up.
Creo que es mi menos favorito de toda la saga, Dean me parece un tipico vato equis, no es hasta el final que tiene algo, pero después de terminar la saga y leer lo que habla con Sabrina en su libro, no puedo pensar en otra cosa que es un imbécil.
* re-read July 2023*
Gah there's something about a reformed player, one night stand turns into more. Dean is such a sweet guy under his exterior he puts out into the world.
Why is this series so catchy??? Another finished in a day.
Wasn't sure how I felt about Allie after reading about her in previous books, but she won me over.
Same with dean. Oh how I have heart eyes for him.
3.75 ⭐️ just cause the last one was better
I was going to rate it lower but those last 50 pages were intense
As always, this series is so fun to read, the winston bathroom scene got me good.
I also cried a little
I love a good satisfying ending and Elle Kennedy can do that perfectly
Not as great as The Deal, but way better than The Mistake, in my opinion. The Deal set a really high standard though, and it's still one of my favorite books. I like checking in the with characters though, so getting to know more about Hannah and Garrett by way of Allie and Dean was fun.