Average rating4.2
Ahhh, I loved this book too much. It made my heart swell and made me smile most of the time.
I loved the chemistry between Noah and Juliet. They are a real fun duo. I also really loved the dogs in this book, oop.
I couldn't stop reading once I started this book and that says a lot for me. It made me laugh, it made me cry.
Thank you NetGalley and Amazon Publishing for the e-arc.
Fun and Funny. This was a fun, funny read featuring a role I'd heard of but had never considered in depth - seat fillers at awards shows. This book gives some interesting looks at some things that people don't often consider, but does it in ways such that a joke or some other hilarity is never far away. And for some reason I kept imagining Noah as Josh Brolin, even though that totally does NOT match the actual physical characterization of the character. But it was so prevalent in my mind that it had to get into the review. Truly an excellent book, and a world I wouldn't mind coming back to. Very much recommended.
This was so contrived, ridiculous, and cute as hell and I loved every moment of it. Like a marshmallow cream sandwich. What a fun story and I will definitely be coming back to this author when I need some extra fluff in my life.