Average rating4.3
Wonderfully done.
And no worries if you're a little fuzzy on the events of the previous book (also enjoyable), as the notable aspects of it are clearly referred to while still maintaining lovely wordings and smooth pace.
Charming moments of humor, lovable characters, and clever aspects.
Loved that Malik goes by Abbas; Abbas and Singh both mean lion.
As someone who comes from an architecture background and works in construction now, the terms and particulars of the industry as part of the mystery were spot on. And let me tell you... this is DRAMA. Like this isn't just morally bad because people died like this is nooooo joke even if no one was hurt. My pulse was QUICKENING as Malik discovered the truth. And as always Lakshmi has so much patience. I truly don't know how she dealt with Radha in the first book and now Nimmi in the second book. I know that they were difficult because lack of worldly knowledge but damn did they come off as ungrateful and bratty. But anyways—
I am obsessed with Alka Joshi and her talent across her novels. She paints the most vivid and deep dilemmas and story plots with intricate details. Heading into the third (and final