The Siege of the Necromancer

The Siege of the Necromancer



Average rating3


I have mixed feelings about this book. I think it could've been much better.

The main thing I didnt like about it was the motivation. You have a miner returning home to find that the outskirts of his home city has been taken over by invaders. the protagonist just makes a series of decisions from that point on that's very unrealistic. The back story was really just a sorry excuse to get you onto the island fortress where the Lord of the city resides. How the invasion even managed to happen and how things became a complete rout of the human army were completely ignored - it's just so. Another bad is the editing - there were a lot of grammatical and descriptive mistakes.

But on the plus side, there are a lot paths through the gamebook. Sure, a lot of them are just illusions of choice, but on the first play through, it was nice. There are two paths to complete the game, although one of them relies much more significantly on luck, given the tougher battles you'll face. Still, I sort of liked the romp through the fortress.

November 13, 2016Report this review