Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life
Average rating4.5
Good book. Covers a lot of solid advice and information. Very focused on Vanguard.
Very US-centric (no surprise as the author is from the USA) but still has solid base knowledge for everyone no matter where they live. Just skim/skip the parts that are country-specific and you'll have things to contemplate to how to make your financial life better.
It's rare for me to read a financial book and nod in agreement so much. Even still J.L. Collins presented a few ideas that challenged my own view on investing - which was happily unexpected. In addition to index fund investing and taking advantage of tax-free growth, two areas he mentioned stood out as things I've advised that he recommends against: dollar cost averaging and international funds. If the market grows more often than not over time, then why DCA? If international markets overwhelmingly track the US market, why invest in intl? Both good questions that i don't have great answers to. Either way, they got me thinking.
It's rare for me to read a financial book and nod in agreement so much. Even still J.L. Collins presented a few ideas that challenged my own view on investing - which was happily unexpected. In addition to index fund investing and taking advantage of tax-free growth, two areas he mentioned stood out as things I've advised that he recommends against: dollar cost averaging and international funds. If the market grows more often than not over time, then why DCA? If international markets overwhelmingly track the US market, why invest in intl? Both good questions that i don't have great answers to. Either way, they got me thinking.
more actionable than the finance books i've read so far. learned more about how to simplify my prospective journey to financial independence... skipped a bunch of chapters though due to the heavy US-centrism.
I am (and plan to continue to) following the advice given in the book (for the most part). I've read about 6 books on personal finance and this has been my favorite.
When people ask me for one book that will help them understand investing I always recommend this one. It's entertaining, written in common language and does make investing seem quite simple.