The tale of two sisters, Ginny and Vivian, reunited after a 40 year estrangement. Their father was a lepidopterist who was obsessed with his work, neglecting the girls and their mother who became an alcoholic with violent mood swings. Now, so many years later, the sisters are drawn back into this stormy world of their childhood. But Ginny is ever observant of the present, wondering why her sister has returned, keeping track of her every move, refusing to accept Vivian's version of their past.
Reviews with the most likes.
“Is it really necessary to record your life in order to make it worthwhile or commendable? Is it worthless to die without reference? Surely those testimonies last another generation or two at most, and even then they don't offer much meaning.” (page 35)
“My life took on the form of a treacherous board game, the people within it the counters. But I was playing on my own, for and against myself, discretely moving the counters, making sure each one was winning while ensuring that none of them were aware that they were being played.” (page 173-174)