The Stars, Like Dust
1951 • 192 pages


Average rating3.3

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Not as good as the Robot series, still a good book. I couldn't emphatize with the impulsive young main character, I was rooting for the cold rational villain.

December 10, 2012

The ending made the book worthwhile. It was very special and worth wading through some of the more boring bits in the middle!

June 16, 2018

2nd Book in Asimov's Empire series, and probably the last I'll read. I see why Asimov called this his “least favorite novel”. I only wish I knew that beforehand.

December 17, 2013

Asimov's early work so not his best. Even more painful since I read this right after Robots & Empire which is terrific.

February 6, 2022

Alot of science language thrown about amongst the storyline but not too distracting. A bit slow to start but picks up fairly quickly. I'll put the next in the series on my TBR list.

August 15, 2022

Nu cred ca e o coincidenta faptul ca ambele carti din Imperiul m-au bagat in reading slump, asa ca fuck off Asimov, sa nu te mai vad o vreme ca ma bagi in mormant.

July 23, 2023

2nd Book in Asimov's Empire series, and probably the last I'll read. I see why Asimov called this his “least favorite novel”. I only wish I knew that beforehand.

December 17, 2013