Average rating4.1
While tonight we only read The Stinky Cheese Man as it was included in [b:The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury: Celebrated Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud 238068 The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury Celebrated Picture Books and Stories to Read Aloud Janet Schulman http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320459997s/238068.jpg 230604] in all it's handful of pages glory I'm just not won over. I remember when thus first came out when I was infirst or second grade and it was and is loved for being so new and bizarre on both the artwork scale and in rethinking classic fables but it's just not my flavor. However I wouldn't turn the whole book downbut I doubt I'd seek it out for our shelves.Update: 3/12/2015. At some point we have obtained a scholastic copy of the whole book. Tonight my three year old chose it to have read aloud. My five year old reader came in part way. Both girls are very fairy tale fluent and had skeptical facial expressions and were able to name the related classic. It was fun. We steer clear of words like stupid and dumb, but in the context the girls and I were able to enjoy it.
A few weeks ago, NPR did an interview with the author and illustrator of this book. I had to check it out even though I'm not necessarily the target demographic.
The book was just as ridiculous and silly, but also enjoyable, as the authors made it out to be. I would actually like to look for more interviews with them, because they really were delightful.
Anyway, this is a great book for kids and adults who have any knowledge of Fairy Tales.