Average rating3.7
I loved this book so much I don't even have words! I was not expecting the immediate obsession to set in for a story which is literally about toys that come to life, but I can't get enough. I'm (im)patiently waiting for volume 2 to arrive so I can find out more about my wonderful Jester and his friends! The story was delightful, heart-pounding, and a true word of adventure/horror
One evening lightning struck my brain. “I could write a story about a kid kidnapped by the closet monster or the boogeyman, and his teddy bear has to go save him.” And then I discovered someone had already written it. The only difference between what I dreamed up and what Mike Raicht has created is in my version the toys stayed looking like toys, ala Toy Story, as opposed to looking real once they cross into the boogeyman's realm.
I can't wait to get my hands on the next volume.
I liked this one well enough. Initially I had a hard time getting into it as there are a great many characters, but when they got to Hopscotch the pace really picked up for me. Also, I think Jester may be one of the coolest characters ever. Props for having strong female characters and the art is amazing, if dark. The Boogyman is a great villian and I am filled with the sense that there is something incredibly surprising about the world of “The Dark” and I am willing to be that it has something to do with forgotten toys.
Overall, my mind wanted to connect this to Toy Story and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. It could use a pinch of humor to offset the darkness. Not only is a small child been kidnapped, beloved toys are turning terrifying and partake in bloody battle, but also it is 1944 and we are in the midst of World War II. Heavy and dark. It is so thick that the individual personalities of the characters cannot shine.