The Summer Remains
2015 • 334 pages


Average rating3


The Summer Remains might as well have been called The Fault In Our Stars 2. It's basically the same story–sick girl meets beautiful boy, they fall in love, etc. Some of the quotes in this book sounded like they were extracted directly from the pages of TFIOS.

Aside from the glaring similarities to another book, I had a hard time connecting to these characters. I felt like a good majority of the book was spent telling us that Summer and Cooper fell in love, rather than showing us how they fell in love. I felt like the characters didn't have very much depth to them, thus making it hard to feel an emotional connection to them.

I'm disappointed because this story had a lot of potential to be great but it really just fell flat for me. Also the ending was too over the top for me. I would recommend it maybe only if you haven't read TFIOS, or else you'll spend the whole book noticing the similarities.

November 30, 2015Report this review