Average rating4
I mean, it was fine? Definitely more about plot than character, definitely a beach-type read. I was expecting something along the lines of [b:Big Little Lies 19486412 Big Little Lies Liane Moriarty https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1492239430s/19486412.jpg 27570886], but this leans much harder into the melodrama and hardly at all into the comedy/satire I liked so much in BLL. I wanted more of the high-society drama in 1951 - I managed to guess the big reveal pretty early on, and from that point, the tension/suspense around the murder just kind of slowly melted away. None of the characters really came to life for me, either; the closest to doing so was Isobel in 1951, but even she really faded in the 1969 chapters. I don't regret reading this, and it was well-written and compelling, but it's not one that will stick with me, I think.