Average rating3.5
Chosen as the April book for my friend's and my two person book club The Unwritten Rule was a simple story. The main character Sara has liked Ryan ever since the eighth grade but Ryan is dating Sara's best friend Brianna and has been for almost two months. However, now it turns out Ryan likes Sara and he liked her before he and Brianna had started dating. Sara of course doesn't know this until one night in Ryan's car when he kisses her. Then of course her heart and mind are torn for the majority of the book. Sara's been put in an awful position, she really likes Ryan but Brianna has been her best friend forever and although Sara liked Ryan first Brianna went after him and got him, besides she didn't know Sara had feelings for Ryan so Sara can't really hate her can she? Read More
Overall I really enjoyed it, but I excepted way more character than I got. I thought it would focus more on her friendship rather than in the romance. I was a little disappointed because I've been wanting to read this book since forever but I still love Elizabeth Scott's books.
Elizabeth Scott still floors me with her writing! In fact, it has been so long since I read her other books that this book made me want to read them all over again.
This book is adorable, it is true, it is just brilliant on so many levels! Sarah is a main character that everyone will be able to identify with on some level. We follow her in a friendship that is so real, you will find yourself thinking about your “friend” you had like Brianna. A toxic friendship, but one also deeply filled with need. Reading Sarah's inner thoughts and guilt was always intriguing, but never overwhelming. I found myself adoring her more as she grew as a person.
The love in this story, both between friends and between couples, is also so true to life. Brianna's struggle with her divorced and uncaring parents, again so true. Elizabeth Scott takes all the things that her readers might have faced as young adults and addresses them in a way that only she can.
My ultimate take on this book is simply that it is true and touching. I truly believe that every young girl should read this book at some point. It might prompt them to do a little soul searching as well.