Four generations of teenage men of the Kimberley undergo life-changing experiences. In 1916, Billy Noakes flees to a remote valley with a Bunuba woman who becomes his life partner. In 1943, their twin sons dubbed Bob and Two Bob leave the valley after a traumatic event. In 1989, Broome teenager Andy Jirroo must farewell his great love, Milly. In 2005, Andy and Milly's son, Dancer, returns to the valley where his great-grandfather had left a precious inheritance. The Valley is a ripping yarn, an uplifting intergenerational tale, and a captivating look into a little known world where things aren't always what they seem.
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DNF @50%
I am calling it a day on this one. It isn't a bad book, but it just isn't holding my interest. The back and forth time jumps, along with the fact that every character seems to have two or three different names has, unfortunately, made this book extremely confusing to read and a struggle to stay engaged in.