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This book...what can't I say about this book.
This books here is definitely my favorite of all the saga (without the last one). It's just the things they say here are just tremendous.
My mom read this book first than I, and while I was reading I found this little lines underlined. They said “The magic, in itself, does not exist. Alone is a term that has been used in excess. There is only your aura ... well, the Chinese have a better word for that: qi. A vital force. An energy. the type of energy that flows within. It can be molded, controlled, directed.” And well, I though, it is true. After all, one of the stuff that this book is trying to teach is that. You are powerful. You have your own energy. You put the boundaries. You control yourself.
And right after I read this I just felt better with myself.
Now, I love the fact that Scatty and company is not totally lost. It's actually great to know that they have a future. With the Flamels...I think I'll never stop fighting about the fact that they're great people and the rest is just treating them wrong. But I have to admit that they did make a big mistake when looking for the twins and stuff. But I forgive them. I though it was very sweet that Perenelle though she couldn't live one day without Nicolas. So cute. About Josh, my feelings have not change a bit. Who am I kidding? I hate him even more. When he was about to tell Dee that he was going with them, I was just about loosing it. But right then when we said I'm coming with you, I felt nothing. No- thing. I was 100% done with him. And I knew that Agnes was more than she showed. I. knew. it. Oh yeah, big shock when Osiris and Iris showed that they were Sophie and Josh parents. What.
But, oh well, I guess I'll have to read the last book. And I can't wait to see John Dee die!! So, awesome. Hopefully it will be slow and painful. Okey, yeah, psycho though coming, bug who cares?