Average rating3.5
I can't help but enjoy this book, seemingly an end to a trilogy, despite its many flaws. Apparently, one can get used to the originally eyeball-rolling first-person self-praise.
Book 3 continues after the end of the previous 2, and features non-stop action where John Carter travelled from the south pole to the unexplored north pole, chasing after villains who kidnapped his wife. If anything, the third book is even more exaggerated than the previous two.
The action just kept coming. And I just kept reading and enjoying it, despite a whole host of physically impossible situations and a plethora of convenient conveniences. For example, John Carter survived nine days without food and water.
But I can't help enjoying it, even as my mind registered the unrealistic things. It's like watching a really exciting cartoon. The moment I got that frame of mind, it was enjoyment all the way.
Weakest of the trilogy by far, but still has a few fun moments and memorable fights.
Definitely think I did myself a disservice by having such a big break between reading this and the previous book; I'd forgotten so many of the returning characters and plot points.
Pretty stoked John Carter and Dejah Thoris finally get to spend some time together though. What a friggin' romance. ❤️