The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag

The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag



Average rating3.8


I lost momentum with his book. When I reached page 100 without any actual idea if or when a crime was to be committed, I lost interest. Yes, I find Flavia a charming heroine and I love that she jets bout the countryside on a vintage bicycle and loves chemistry but the storytelling started to get in the way of the story. My bookshelf is too full and my life is too short to wait around for an author to get to the point. I'm sorry Mr. Bradley, I couldn't wait. I've heard the third volume is better (or by some, worse) than this one so I may have to just remember [b:The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie 6218281 The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (Flavia de Luce, #1) Alan Bradley 4543476]and be happy with the memories.

June 16, 2011