Average rating4.1
✨ What a ride! I liked it even better than The Cruel Prince!! What about you? ✨
I so enjoyed this book. I am dying for the rest of the story. It's such a fun taken on the fairy world
This will always be a 5 star to me until I get older and find out why I did it until then it will be 5 stars... I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH YAAAAA
The Cruel Prince ???????????????The Wicked King ???????????????
I read the sequel to The Cruel Prince immediately after finishing the first book in the series. I think that speaks volumes for how much I enjoyed this series as I finished both books within a few days of starting the series.
The Wicked King maintained the quality I found in the first book. The fae were still as tricky and cruel throughout the story, the plot kept on being complex and surprising, and I really enjoyed a lot of consequences from the first book coming to land in this one. Jude had gained power for herself over the course of the first book, and some of the trades she made to get herself this power helped her in the second one - but quite a few came back to bite her in the ass.
Another YA series I would highly reccomend, and the ending of the second book was fantastic!
those final pages made me scream so loud. i'm living for them and for cardan sitting on his freaking throne.
dnf at 32%
I really, really tried to read this. I have been reading this since last year or so. i have seen people gush about this, give this 5 stars and cry about how great this series is but I cannot find my self finishing it. Every time i sit down to read it, i get bored. There is nothing remotely interesting about jude, or cardan. I thought the second book would get interesting but nothing is picking my interest. I am giving up.
wowwwwww i loved this, holly black once again did not disappoint with her world building and writing. the ending is crazy and riveting. a worthy sequel
Jude continues in her role to guide the king and strike to better his interests, all the while keeping her young brother behind the scenes until he is old enough to assume the leadership role. It's a dangerous world, and no one can be sure who is your friend and who is your enemy, with shifting allegiances and tilting alliances.
The Folk of the Air a dynamic series, and I can't wait to see where it goes next.
I started reading this and immediately felt in over my head and had to return to a wiki deep dive to refresh my memory of The Cruel Prince, and honestly I'm not sure I ever caught back up. There's a LOT of intrigue here and sometimes I couldn't be sure if I was experiencing a clever twist or if I'd just forgotten something that had already happened.
Also, hmm, I do appreciate Holly Black's dark take on faeries and how different their morals/ethics/laws/etc are from human society, but after having it hammered into my head so much about how you can't trust faeries and they're just whimsical, treacherous creatures, I kind of started to be like..........ok so honestly why should I care about any of these characters?? And maybe it turns out I kind of don't? Hmm.
I'm so glad I waited until the entire trilogy was published in order to read this series because damn that ending!
WHAT IS WITH THAT ENDING.I didn't mean to fly through this book so fast cause it's gonna be a long wait until the final book comes out, but yesterday there was a 10-hour power outage and before I knew it, I've gone through 80% of it. Similarly to the first book, the plot twists come one after another and the last one hits you at the last chapter.[b:The Queen of Nothing 26032912 The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air, #3) Holly Black https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553624975l/26032912.SX50.jpg 45959205] is only coming out in November.At least we won't have to wait until 2020, I thought.3 months of waiting won't be that bad, I thought.I THOUGHT VERY WRONG. CARDAN. YOU BETTER HAVE A REALLY GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THAT ENDING.
Nothing much happened in this book though i really enjoyed the underwater setting and wish we saw more of it.
3.5 Stars
I hate Cardan.
Quick Thoughts
• Holly Black's writing style is still, in the most polite way possible, unique.
• Why does Madoc remind me so much of Thanos? Hmm...
• My favorite character so far is Vivi because she is the only one I can tolerate.
• Taryn needs a redemption arc or needs to die. So does Nicassia. I said what I said.
• No more Locke, guys! It's inappropriate and violent!
• And finally, even if I don't like her, Jude deserves better.
Success!!! I finished my second read over 9 months faster than I did my first. The book is 4 stars just because I understand my past self and my mood reader tendencies. They are what made me read consistently starting from last year