Average rating3.7
For me, this one wasn't as good as the first. I fell in love with the characters and the story in The Winner's Curse. In The Winner's Crime, I was looking forward to more character development, but more importantly more political intrigue, planning, and deception. I feel like many aspects of this were lacking in this installment. And that is not to say this was a bad sequel, it was an amazing one. For me however, it just did not live up to the high expectations I had.
The first book was a little better, but I'm hooked and waiting fir the next book
También en: El Extraño Gato del CuentoYo no soy mucho de hablar de lo que me gusta o me obsesiona... al menos hasta que me lo pregunten. ¿Por qué? Bueno, creo que soy muy territorial, cuando quiero algo, quiero que sea solo mío, no quiero que nadie siquiera tenga una opinión sobre él. Bastante loco y raro, quiero decir, gran parte de bloggers abre su blog para eso, fangirlear y encontrar otros fans de lo que les gusta y... Volviendo al punto, en los posts de fin de año mencioné una que otra vez... Ok, básicamente todos mis posts de fin de año fueron para mencionar lo magnífico, fantástico, perfecto, tan hermoso que duele, que es THE WINNER'S CURSE. En serio, la historia, los personajes, ¡la maldita portada! el gato explota en llanto Cuando Bloomsbury me dijo que podía leer THE WINNER'S CRIME mucho antes de su publicación, me di cuenta, kitten, que en la vida pasan cosas buenas.O eso creía hasta que terminé el libro.Pero vamos por partes, el final del primero me dejó un poco confundida, no entendía muy bien porque los personajes tomaban las decisiones que hicieron, sentía que salía de cualquier lado, como una manera de darle solo continuación. Solo que oh, qué equivocada, tan equivocada estaba. Si no has leído el primer libro, lo más seguro es que no estés leyendo esta reseña para no arruinarte sin querer la historia, pero si eres de los que confía en que no spoilearé nada, voy a tratar de honrar esa confianza.Si eras de ese porcentaje que quedó bastante indeciso con el final, te sentirás como la peor persona por haber dudado de MARIE RUTKOSKI. Ella tenía un plan, uno bastante cruel, uno tan malo... explota en llanto.En este tiempo, donde los lectores están, al menos la gran mayoría, hartos del instalove y personajes femeninos tontos y damiselas en apuros, tanto de THE WINNER'S CURSE como THE WINNER'S CRIME es simplemente perfecto. ¿Quieres personajes femeninos con demasiado cerebro que podría llegar a ser su destrucción? Kestrel simplemente es mi heroína. ¿Quieres mucha intriga e historia que te ponga tensa en cada capítulo? THE WINNER'S CRIME supera mucho en eso a THE WINNER'S CURSE, la política está mucho más presente y no hay nadie en quién confiar. Nadie. ¿Quieres un personaje masculino que tengo algo más en mente que su inmortal amor por la muchacha principal? Arin es el balance perfecto entre alguien muy, muy, muy DEMASIDO tierno y alguien con carácter. Una ternura no a lo Petta Mellark (que, confieso, no me gusta) sino uno que... No sé cómo definirlo bien. Es de esos personajes que incluso una persona insensible y fría y cruel como yo, podría mirarlo con cara boba y preguntarle ¿Cómo es que eres así?Y es todo eso, cada pequeño detalle del libro que lo hace tan cruel.Como es una segunda parte, uno ya sospecha que las cosas no han de terminar del todo bien, sino ¿de donde sacarían historia? Es como un principio básico. En lo personal me sorprendió sentir tanto con una segunda parte, o de encariñarme tanto con los personajes principales y los nuevos que no sabes si son enemigos o amigos.Tengo mucho más que decir pero no lo haré por riesgo de spoiler, y creo que no tengo ningún punto en contra, he amado la crueldad de este libro de principio hasta su malvado y despiadado final. Confío, quiero, ruego por un tercer libro con final feliz, no tengo idea como le hará MARIE RUTKOSKI, tengamos fe.Twitter Blog Pinterest Tumblr Instagram Facebook
I really loved this book. This book had a lot more action and stuff. More stuff happened. More stuff. I am really eloquent aren't I? Book 1 felt slow at times, especially in the first half. Book 1 felt like it was setting up for something for the whole book. That something, was this book.
It really annoyed me how close Arin kept getting to the true motives behind Kestrel's actions. And how close Kestrel kept getting to telling him.
Had Arin just stayed a few more moments at that tavern...
Or maybe if Arin had realized that she was denying him for her father in the music room..
Orrrr if Tensen had delivered Kestrel's letter...
It is so infuriating.
The ending was amazing and painful. So very painful. I almost cried - that is a hard thing to get me do for a book- I think I've only cried once: for Brandon Sanderson's the Hero of Ages. I am very exciting for book 3.
I'm so bored with this series and annoyed with Kestrel's character... I can't believe how whiny she is. And yet, I'm probably gonna finish the series because the audiobooks are just so easy to listen to.
Up until about 70% of the book, I thought I would only give it 3 stars. The plot moves at a super slow pace and tends to drag on, with Kestrel and Arin walking around in circles over and over again. Misunderstandings come one after another. Just when they finally sort out an issue between them, something else would happen and make things worse. This continues up until the end, where Kestrel hits the point of desperation due to yet another misunderstanding... and as Arin starts working towards a better option for his people, everything quickly falls apart for her.Including her friendship with Jess and Ronan, which I adored so much in the first book. What happened to them was just awful.God, what did Ronan do to deserve THAT. I just... WHY. I can't help but feel a bit bitter towards Kestrel, because regardless of her intentions, it was her who drove him and Jess to reach this point. Now I can only hope that Verex's fate won't be as terrible, since he seems genuinely nice towards Kestrel despite how he might feel about their marriage plan.Hopefully both Kestrel and Arin will show some growth in the last book. There's only so much misunderstanding and indecision I can take, and this one nearly burned out all of my tolerance. Still, it was an engaging read and I'm looking forward to read [b:The Winner's Kiss 20443235 The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy, #3) Marie Rutkoski https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1431357125s/20443235.jpg 31175868] next year!
Don't hate me for this. I liked this first book, more than I'd even expected to, so I had some hopes and excitement for this book. Instead I was left with not wanting to read it. At all. I think in the twenty pages that I did read, I picked it up and put it down three or four times because I didn't like what I was reading.
I don't know if the writing style/characters really changed all that much between this and the previous book or if my tastes changed that much in thirteen months. Because, honestly, the writing style was not working for me and I got to spend time in both Kestrel and Arin's heads and I kind of hate both of them. Arin I want to slap so badly for the way he was acting and Kestrel...Kestrel isn't what I remember. So either my memory is faulty (definitely possible) or the characters changed in a direction that I really couldn't stand.
(Maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but I've been trying to read this book for the better part of a week and I just don't feel like forcing my way through it.)
“This isn't a story!”
My, my. My, my. Words are very hard for me right now, my gosh. The Winner's Curse was great, fantastic, dare I say phenomenal? But this? This was even better. I mean seriously, where is the option to rate it 6 stars?
The romance was not as prevalent as in the first one. Why? Oh yes,because there's a gosh darn war and genocide going on. At the beginning, a certain character was despairing, thinking that this other character didn't love them. In reality, that other character did, but, well, there's this little thing called survival that needed to be looked after first.
It didn't have a happy ending. And it shouldn't have. With the way it ended, I don't think I'll be able to wait for March.
I love the way everything wrapped up in the last 20 pages, like a sweet little present being delivered on your doorstep. I had my suspicions, but that? I never would have guessed it. I actually gasped when the truth came out.
It was such a lovely read, and I recommend this trilogy to everyone. Really.
“Isn't it?” Tensen asked. “Isn't this the one about the boy who becomes a man and saves his people? I like that story. I acted the role once, decades ago, in a performance for Herran's royal family. It ended happily.”
I could not put this down. Absolutely loved it.
This book focuses a lot on spying and strategy. At a royal court, this is to be expected. Words can always mean something else and someone's actions are not always what they mean. Unfortunately for Kestrel and Arin, this does not help their relationship. I'm so frustrated with how they can't be together and how much lack of trust there is but, then I remember this is how anyone would act. It makes me love the book more although, I'm so mad haha.
There are more characters to love... more characters to lose....
I can't wait to see how things wrap up. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. I'm just really extremely excited yet, nervous.