The wish stealers

The wish stealers


Average rating2


This book is about a girl named Griffin and she loves wishes. One day Griffin went to this store and Mariah gave her lucky buffalo pennies. These buffalo pennies are not normal at all. These buffalo pennies are not normal because it has people's own wishes inside the coin. Mariah has tricked her into giving really not normal buffalo pennies and now Griffin is called a Wish Stealer. A wish stealer is someone who steal wishes and the stealers own cruel wishes are the only wishes that will come true if you a wish stealer.

Here's my main opinions about the author's writing. Personally,I would like some character devlopment because I barley cared about any of the characters. I wish told us more abou Mariah, Libby, and Samantha. The only character I cared about in the story was Griffin. Also, I wish the author explianed more about wish stealers and why those Shapkesphere witches were try to follow Griffin sometimes. The final thing I would like the author to explian is how the wishing idea works in the story.

The author had potential to make this book really creative, but it wasn't the most intresting idea I've ever heard in fantasy. If you had high expectations in this book,don't expect that much intresting things from this fantasy book. You might enjoyed this book if your a young girl in middle school who fantasy. Those are the only people I would recommend this book for.

June 26, 2011Report this review