Average rating3.9
Wow. Definitely tells all. I’m sad that she had to go through all she did, but I’m glad that period of her life is over.
TBH you've probably already heard the biggest parts of this excerpted elsewhere online. I don't think Britney (and her ghostwriter) are the strongest writers but I think her story is really compelling.
i dont rate memoirs written by the person themselves
I stan by what Wendy Williams said that one time.
It doesn't feel right to give this book a rating.
I will say, it was beyond shocking & heart wrenching... many times over! My heart goes out to brittney—it's easy to forget that underneath all the superstardom, she is simply another human being who has been through things I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
While the technical elements that usually make writing breathtaking were lacking, I don't think that was at all the point, and I am very glad I was here for the story regardless!
I just finished Britney Spears Book - The woman in me and here are my thoughts.
I am a huge Britney fan. Have been since I first heard hit me baby one more time. I'm only a few months older than her, so she grew up with me.
I always felt sorry for her for the troubles with her ex, losing her sons and the insanity with her family... The problem is her book... so dull. So much happened to her and her thought process was so monotone. I've seen Britney on stage. She is larger than life but this book, I felt like she was writing it for the sake of writing it.
It was nice to see how she felt but I don't feel the life of her. I wonder if life has just sucked it from her and that makes me even more sad for her. She never got to just be a child and that can be so hard.
I am glad she found herself but it's a real shame she couldn't put her personality onto the pages. I wish Britney the life she deserves. One where she can live in peace.
3.5 stars
Love this book... Britney Spears is emotionally raw in this memoir... and its a must read for every 90s kid...
Completely enraging and eye-opening regarding the persistent use of medieval forms of imprisonment to control women no matter how much stardom, wealth, and fame they acquire.
Not really sure what to rate this.
It's a rough story, but told very simply and shallowly.
Acompanhei da forma que pude todo o processo da curatela e era muito intrigante não saber o que estava acontecendo. Com esse relato da pra ter uma ideia das coisas por trás disso pra confirmar tudo que se especulava e ainda saber muito mais sobre a infância e carreira de Britney. Conforme ela ia comentando sobre shows, álbuns e músicas, fui ouvindo e assistindo o que consegui para ilustrar ainda mais a minha experiência com o audiolivro. Torcemos para que ela agora consiga ser livre de verdade e feliz apesar de todo o sofrimento que passou. Adorei a leitura e queria saber ainda mais!
4/5 - Justice for Britney! Her family did her so wrong. The men in her life are trash and failed her! Britney only wanted a family and to settle down. While I do believe Britney needs extensive therapy for all she has gone through, I'm glad she was able to share her story. Michelle Williams did a great job narrating.
Wow! What a read!
Britney Spears is such an inspiration. This memoir is the best I have read in my life.
What Britney went through is just insane and, not only did she survive, but she is also thriving.
Reading this, I felt all sorts of emotions: nostalgia, excitement, sadness, anxiety, frustration, hope and happiness.
Whether or not you are a fan of the artist, this is a must read for anyone seeking inspiration (man or women), for the women (Britney Spears) is a true hero.
Trigger warning, however, the men (and certain women) in her life (except her brother and two sons of course) are trash.
Wow! Quelle lecture!
Britney Spears est une telle source d'inspiration. Cette autobiographie est la meilleure que j'ai jamais lue de ma vie. Ce que Britney a traversé est tout simplement fou et, non seulement elle a survécu, mais elle s'épanouit également. En lisant ceci, j'ai ressenti toutes sortes d'émotions : nostalgie, excitation, tristesse, anxiété, frustration, espoir et bonheur.
Que vous soyez fan de l'artiste ou non, c'est une lecture incontournable pour toute personne en quête d'inspiration (homme ou femme), car cette femme (Britney Spears) est une véritable héroïne.
Attention cependant, les hommes (et quelques femmes) de sa vie (à l'exception de son frère et de ses deux fils bien sûr) sont horribles.
I don't feel right rating this so I'm not going to.
Britney Spears has been through so much. Her family has used her as a piggy bank her entire life, and men have used her fame as a shortcut to their own—it's no wonder she crumbled under the pressure. There are some appalling revelations in here: Justin Timberlake forcing her to get an abortion, Kevin Federline essentially extorting her using her children as bait, her parents calling SWAT teams on her and having her institutionalized for defying even small requests... the amount of control these people exerted over her could amount to torture. But she tells her side with grace, and even extends them compassion despite all of the ways they've wronged her. It's truly astonishing how big her heart is, and how much she has endured.
I hope she puts her evil fucking father away for the rest of his miserable life, though. “I'm Britney Spears now” is some cartoon villain bullshit. What the fuck.
I was so excited to finally hear Britney's side of her story, after so many years of mixed stories from everyone else in her life. This memoir was at times heartbreaking, funny, silly, and eye opening. I recommend this book to anyone who has ever loved Britney.
I gave four stars cuz I was craving even more details. This book could be twice as long and I'd probably still want more.
Forte demais tudo o que ela passou, acho que, como ela mesma diz no livro, pouca gente ia ter conseguido passar por tudo isso sem fazer alguma besteira
Is this going to be overhyped? Probably.
All in all, this is a very brief overview of someone who has led a hard life in the public eye. I felt like there's so much more that could have gone into this and that a lot was glossed over, but it was still a really interesting read.
I hope she's okay now and has a good support system in place after being taken advantage of by almost everyone around her for years.
From the bits and pieces of what I'd hear about Britney's conservatorship, I knew this situation was fucked. But I didn't know just how fucked it all was and not even 60% of the way through I was this close to wishing death on everybody. I'm so serious. This got me so fucking heated. I've never been a die hard fan or anything. I honestly went into it not thinking I'd be as emotionally invested as I was.
I think everyone knows what it feels like, or can at least imagine, having something you love ripped away from you. That was the feeling I was connecting to most. Everything, in my opinion, that was branded as evil or bad during her breakdown is explained away by that feeling. You don't get to take away someone's children and expect them to be fine. You don't get to imprison them and expect things to be fine.
As for the writing itself, it's pretty basic memoir stuff! Conversational with a sprinkle of cliches in there. Sometimes it felt repetitive but I also think you earn the right to be repetitive when you've been gaslit and exploited over and over. That repetition IS the story. My major complaint is that some of info feels thrown in and it moves so fast (in a not good way). I just wanted certain moments to slow down so we could get a sense of what was happening physically and in her mind when it happened. The best moments in this book were when Britney gave details/imagery of major moments in her life. The one I would probably reference is when she takes one of her kids into the bathroom until the SWAT team has to come. While it's not a long scene, it truly explores how she felt and doesn't feel thrown in. There's one moment where she writes about being in a car and almost driving off a cliff. I remember reading this and being super confused. It felt like it came out of nowhere. And I wasn't even sure what was going on...like physically? I think this could've had one more look through to ensure all the details were relevant. But at the end of the day, if Britney thinks they are then they are.
I was mostly interested to hear about the conservatorship aspect of the book. This was no doubt the most gripping part. But it was also cool to see Britney call out the people that helped her (and the people that harmed her) and speak on moments of her career that shes never spoken on before.
From a literary perspective, this isn't a great book; its writing is quite simple. However, as a teenager, I was in love with Britney, so now nearing my 40s I really enjoyed this book a lot. And I'm really sorry for Britney. Maybe she deserved a few sht, but she got tons of undeserved sht.