The World Broke in Two: Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, E.M. Forster and the Year that Changed Literature

The World Broke in Two

Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, D.H. Lawrence, E.M. Forster and the Year that Changed Literature



Average rating3.5


Overall this was very good, just not quite what it set out to be I think. It's too detailed in some areas and too thin in others. I'm not entirely sure why these four people were picked though. Eliot makes sense, but all I can figure it Goldstein just liked the other three enough that he wanted to include them. Still, this was interesting and I'm glad I read it. I think I'd recommend Constellation of Genius by Kevin Jackson over this if someone was interested in 1922.

January 13, 2023Report this review