Things We Do to Our Friends

Things We Do to Our Friends



Average rating3.5


I received an e-ARC version of this book from NetGalley and the publisher.

The Things We Do to Our Friends
By: Heather Darwent


Without giving away too much but this story takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland. One of my favorite places in the world. Clare, the main character, went through many ups and downs. From her parents, college, friendships, relationships, and life. She studied Art History which was one of my majors at college ironically.

Meanwhile, she had an “episode” and tried to reinvent her life. Moving on from her past. While moving on, many things happened. Multiple occurrences throughout the novel as Clare transforms into a different person.

The novel in general is dark and has some toxic tones. But well written and descriptive. Dark academia and relatable vibes. Slow at first but it picks up. I would watch this if it becomes an adapted film or show.

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC and The Things We Do To Our Friends will be released on January 10, 2023!

July 23, 2022Report this review