Average rating4
This felt like two teenagers living adult lives. Both main characters felt immature for their age, which was a little annoying. Not a fan of the insta-lust and their first interaction felt a little forced. There were a lot of funny interactions after that, thankfully.
The plot was interesting, even if some events were a little over the top. Maybe I should've read the first book, but I think the author did well summarizing what happened in book 1.
Overall, I liked the secondary characters and their antics, and the small-town vibes were great, but it felt like a middle-of-the-road book.
However, I'm interested in Lucian and Sloane's story. (Sloane was my favorite character in the story by the way).
I liked it, but it was too similar to the first book. It's basically the same plot with different main characters.
It was okay until the drag queen hour for parents and little kids....nope. sorry, not sorry. This new normal of trying to teach little kids about sexuality and gender needs to go.
The only reason i decided to read this book was because i wanted to read lucian's book, but i felt that it will feel weird because i wouldn't have majority of the answers that took place in this one. And the reason i didn't want to read this because i cared very less for Nash but also, i pictured him with a beer belly and a mustache, so it was hard to find him bits of hot. But as I read this book, i fell in love with the characters and Lucy Score's writing in this is so good and well worded. It was equal parts funny and angsty, and hot. However, what really put me off (other than how fucking long it was) was the third act conflict was a break up. And the reason was none other than the same one that Knox used in his book. Both boys clearly need therapy to work out their daddy issues.
This could have been a 4 stars but sadly, the break up scene happened and deduced it to 3.5. I am growing tired of authors using break up as the plot twist, or third act conflict. Anything can happen, breaks up are not it. Besides, a couple who can easily break things off is not a great, strong couple you know? How weak your love is that you're walking away because you think you can't help everyone or some shit like that lmao
holy shit. i finally finished it. thank GOD. now to wait seven more months until lucian x sloane and it BETTER be worth getting through this book bc omfg i wanted to dnf it so badly
While i enjoyed most parts of this book I didn't really love the needy/controlling relationship dynamic. Also no romance book should be nearly 600 pages long!
El libro en si no está mal, pero he sentido a lo largo del libro que no pasaba absolutamente nada. Hasta por lo menos la página 350-400 no se ha puesto interesante. Pero bueno tengo ganas de leer el tercer libro.
As the first book in the series, I don't know how to comment what I've just read. I think if you enjoyed the first book you will like this one as well.
It is definitely a soap opera with a lot of unreal things happening but I was thoroughly entertained, which was the purpose of this reading.
I would have preferred a shorter book, there is absolutely no need to have contemporary romances of 600 pages.
Simplemente yo quiero a un Nash Morgan en mi vida, ¿es tanto PEDIR?!?!?? Cuando digo que este libro me ha encantado es por que lo ha hecho, enserio quiero proteger a Lina, a Nash y a Piper con todo mi corazon♥️
Deseando con muchas ansias leer a Sloane y a Lucían o sea MUCHAS GANAS
I really enjoyed Nash's story!! I loved Lina from the first book so I'm so happy she showed up here as well.
This was a wonderful story that describes mental health, and handling life after tragedy.
Our Studly-Do-Right with the perfect ass, and badass Lina don't seem to work on paper, but together they fit just right. They are just what the other one needs whether or not they're willing to admit it at first.
“This is you pushing and this is me sticking” the two tried to push the other away, but the other always stuck around and didn't let the relationship end.
The drama from the first in the series still continued. The bad guy who kidnapped Naiomi and Waylay, and who shot Nash was still out there.
Nash has an FBI bodyguard, and a plan to take the suspect down. And not by the book this time.
Oh man. I loved this one. If there was a book series that could be made into movies that was a rom-com/action, this series would be it. I can't wait for Lucian's story. I really enjoyed how this book was a continuation from the first one in its own way. Even though it was Nash's story, it all came together. I really really enjoyed it. Good job Lucy!