Average rating3.7
Cat is now dealing with being a full vampire instead of half breed. But she is still different from every other vampire as she gets nourishment from other vampires not humans. But she also gets their special ability for a while as well. There is a species war between the ghouls and vampires being stirred up by an old enemy. Bones and Cat are really great together. They exchanges are so loving and sometimes very funny. I really enjoyed Vlad in this as well. I am glad he's still around. Series is still great.
I happen to agree with most of the other disappointed reviewers on here. This is dragging on, and while I get her new powers brought on the plot point in this book the “big bad” to use Buffy speak was such a let down. The end scene too? Wow was that boring.
I will say the cliffhanger did leave me wanting to read the next one though ahhah.
Contains spoilers
💬: N/A
📖Genres: fantasy, romance, urban fantasy, paranormal, vampires
📚Page Count: N/A
🎧Audiobook Length: 06h 58min
👩🏾🏫My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 3/5
TW - <spoiler> Cursing, Cancer, Murder, Sexual assault, Death, Fire/Fire injury, Gore, Gun violence, Blood, Confinement, Injury/Injury detail, War, Grief, Violence, and Chronic illness</spoiler>
This Side of the Grave (Dramatized Edition) is a graphic audio published by the company Graphic Audio and written by Jeaniene Frost, based on the fifth book in her Night Huntress series, This Side of the Grave. Vampires are going missing in this installment of Night Huntress, and Bones and Cat make it their business to find out where the missing vampires have gone and what's happened to them. Bones and Cat find out that there is a ghoul trying to incite an interspecies war between vampires and ghouls. With no other choice, the couple seek help from the Queen of Ghouls and New Orleans, Marie Laveau (who is based on historical figure Marie Laveau, a Black herbalist and midwife practitioner of Voodoo from New Orleans.)
I love the dramatized editions of these books because this was action filled, emotional, and overall really entertaining! This was very good in terms of keeping my attention and being entertaining so that made this listening experience "mostly" enjoyable. There was a sexual assault in this book that was played off for laughs and I found that to be uncomfortable and disappointing. I detailed more below under spoilers, be warned that it vaguely talks about sexual assault.
TW - Sexual assault
There were spicy scenes in this but they were weird, and by that I mean for some reason <spoiler>Cat becomes sexually ravenous because of the blood she drank (if I remember correctly) and then she tried to sexually assault a human? I'm not sure why that was put in there but it seemed as if it were for laughs and sexually assault isn't funny.</spoiler> I'm giving the spicy scenes NEGATIVE 1 chilies -🌶️ out of five chilies.
Overall the story was interesting but I'm knocking points off for the sexual assault bit, it wasn't funny because sexual assault is never funny (and this would have been a 5 star review without that bit). I'm giving this 3 out of 5 stars.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 3/5 Stars
I listened to this for free on [Hoopladigital.com]
Sebenarnya seru konfliknya, Cat & Bones menghadapi pemimpin kaum ghoul yg sdh berusia ribuan tahun & sdh pernah melancarkan strategi untuk memicu perang antara vampir & ghoul saat manusia setengan vampir pertama muncul. Tapi yah karena ini paranormal romance jadi menurutku sexual tension antara Cat & Bones tdk semenarik di buku 1, 2 maupun 3.
Ada gap di plot, ternyata ada spin off, 2 judul yg menceritakan ttg Spade-Denise & Mancheres-Kira, yg ak blm baca. Mestinya spinn off gk mempengaruhi seri utama ya, tapi ada ringkasan singkat saja di buku ini.