Average rating3.8
why is it that i love american literature but i hate american history
started off fun and promising but became something i really had to slog through, maybe i'll go back and check out all souls?
This was a nice story. It wasn't the story I wanted though. I had wanted a story of Marcus and Phoebe so the separate approach left that to be desired. I also wasn't overly fond of Diana and Matthew's appearance in the novel, they were just a bit too central for my taste. I am still interested in these characters so if a new novel came out I would read it. This just didn't wow me.
Continues the story of the de Clermont's but from a different angle. It's a good start!
This is predominantly historical fiction focused on Marcus. You get a decent amount of new content with Diana and Matthew, some of Phoebe, but Marcus is at the core.
It was good, but I just wasn't that interested in Marcus's history. The pacing is also kind of odd. It's very slow and very choppy. It felt a lot like info dumping. It covers a huge amount of time and bounces between three different story lines, so I'm overall left with the feeling that we're just skimming the surface of everything.
Without the chapters from Diana's perspective I would have seriously considered skipping this one. The process of teaching someone to be a vampire is interesting but tedious, and watching grown characters I admire act like children wasn't for me.
Overall, still worth it to continue with some of the plots from the series but a VERY different vibe. You could probably get away with just reading the Phoebe and Diana chapters.
Yes, it was amazing, go buy it.
This book is so well-written and I am torn as to whether or not it has unseated Book of Life as my favorite Deborah Harkness book. I don't know. All I know is that Deborah is my queen and I will buy anything she writes.
I would say more, but I don't want to spoil the whole trilogy for you guys! Just go pick up A Discovery of Witches and be on your merry way :)