Tricks of the mind

Tricks of the mind

2007 • 392 pages


Average rating4.1


The mighty Mr Brown gives us an introduction into his techniques and opinions on a wide range of subjects, from magic to NLP to fake mediums.

A witty and inviting writer he never talks down to you. The book has some cracking anecdotes from his times as a student and happy-clapper evangelical Christian (yes, I was amazed too).

There are also very interesting sections on memory techniques, over coming phobias, hypnosis and other tools of his trade. But what comes over most of all is that he is a sceptic of the Dawkin's school, and that's no bad thing. Fake mediums, creationists, New Agers and all the others who deny rational thought and scientific evidence are put to the sword with wit and passion.

Thought provoking and thoroughly recommended.