Average rating3.9
One sentence synopsis... A novella that defies explanation, Brautigan weaves social commentary, cultural satire, and hallucinations of the pastoral American wilderness in this strange, slim book. .
Read it if you like... Burroughs, Kerouac, Bukowski, or Pynchon but even more sparse prose and surreal metaphors. .
Further reading... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/the-life-and-death-of-richard-brautigan-69316/amp/
It's the kind of book you write in your sleep. In this fashion, Brautigan carries us through dream sequences with no mercy for the reader. Some recurring elements give the impression of fleeting moments lost, of regret, of guilt, and a difficulty in writing a straight apology. Or he could've been pulling our legs the whole time. You take what meaning you can get.
Linguistic structure aside it's a well-written book and great for fans of abstract prose.