Average rating3.9
Aza tidak pernah bermimpi akan terlibat pengejaran seorang milyarder berhadiah seratus ribu dolar. Ini semua gara-gara Daisy, sahabatnya yang tidak kenal takut. Berdua, mereka mendekati Davis, putra sang milyarder. Aza berusaha keras menjadi gadis baik-baik, sahabat dan detektif yang baik, karena dia tidak ingin mengecewakan orang-orang terdekatnya. Namun, menjalani hidup saja sudah cukup sulit bagi Aza, karena setiap saat dia harus menghadapi satu musuh besar: benaknya sendiri.
Pola berulang om John, cowok culun & cewek gaul, mulai berubah di The Fault on Our Stars, dan anehnya aku justru suka buku terakhir itu disbanding buku2 sebelumnya, An Abundance of Catherine, Paper Towns & Looking For Alaska. Turtles All The Way Down ini juga menceritakan hal yg baru gk terjebak di pola sebelumnya. AKu cukup menikmati buku ini sih.
Yang aku suka adalah dialog2 khas anak remaja dapat banget Om Green ini kalau bercerita. Kadang ada hal2 yg membuat tersenyum diantara dialog2 tersebut. Overall buku ini cukup kunikmati.
I thought this book was fantastic. The subject was dealt with so rawly and honestly and realistically. Pretty much every aspect of this book was perfect; except one. I thought the character of Daisy was round every once in a while, but most of the time, she felt like a typical paper John Green character. But, I still did enjoy her role in the book when she felt like a real character, like when she was talking to Aza in the car. The romance was very engaging and felt so real to me and I felt everything Aza felt while she was with him; excited, terrified, anxious. Aza was definitely John Green's best character in any of his writing so far; I felt connected to her on such an intense level.
I'm going to start with a trigger warning: OCD, Anxiety, Intrusive thoughts.
I'm making sure to put this trigger warning out there because this book triggered me. I have read numerous books that contain trigger warnings for all kinds of different topics and have never experienced being triggered by a book until now. I knew what this book was about, and I had seen others trigger warnings concerning the topic, but I didn't think much of it. That being said, this book sent me into an anxiety attack due to an anxiety attack Aza experienced so I would highly encourage you to take this trigger warnings seriously.
That being said, I did really enjoy this book. The fact that I was triggered by it made me feel that the writing was strong and accurate. I loved the way John Green handled mental illness in this book and the way it was raw and real, rather than sugar coated. I decided on a 4 star review because I felt like the missing billionaire plot line was unnecessary, secondary, and often times felt like it was ignored or glossed over. (I know I am not the only one who feels this way either.) Overall I really enjoyed this book. I think it is a very important book that provides an accurate and realistic look at mental illness as well as the way that relationships with people who have a mental illness are not always easy. I think this book could have stood on it's own without the promise of a mystery, because I do not feel like it delivered on that aspect. As a book on mental illness however this book shined. John Green continues to impress me with his novels and Turtles All The Way Down is no different.
I love the way it helps you see things from a different perspective and teaches so much, it's a very good story, as always, John Green gives a natural and very well written story full of teachings, love and friendship
More of the same John Green schtick, feels like The Fault in our Stars but with OCD instead of cancer.
John Green did it again and I loved it! My only complaint, it was way too short!
Definitely bumped up to my #2 favorite John Green novel because through his writing I was able to get just a tiny glimpse of what those living with anxiety have to go through. Every. Single. Day. John Green helps ignorant people like me understand even if for just a tiny bit what people living with anxiety have to go through.
My #4 #favoriteread2017
I read this in a day and a half. I couldn't put it down except for when I had to go to class. I don't want to oversay anything about this book and leave it to the reader. But I do think it's his best work yet.